mercredi 4 mai 2016

Slam Time!

This is the last week of my slam poetry workshop. Wah! I may keep posting slam poetry for a while because I've kind of gotten into the groove of it. Anyway, this week's slam poem is Kai Davis performing "Homicidal Rainbow":

And although it's unrelated to slam, I'm just going to let you know that spring has sprung near my house in the form of this lovely tree:

Isn't it gorgeous?!

And also someone has painted a bunch of the utility boxes near my work in Harvard Square. I think it really brightens things up so I'm happy about it!

Box with an evil red panda and good normal panda
sitting on separate hills in front of mountains and sunset.

Box with a sunny beach scene.

Box with sunflowers on the front and a waterfall on the side.

Box with a rainbow, some cherry blossoms, and the ocean on it.

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