lundi 2 mai 2016

My Room

I cleaned my room so I figure now is a great time to show it to you!

The cats hanging out on the instruments and windowsill, where I put their food and water fountain.
Mayim is on the violin case. Vito is on the cat bed. Esh is on the keyboard.
The other two cases are a guitar and a tenor banjo I inherited from my grandfather. 

A zoomed out view of the cats' windowsill. You can see my bed, bedside table, and part of the bookshelves.

My bed, complete with blanket and stuffed panda bear. Those white things on the bedside table are arm braces for carpel tunnel.
There's a shoe shining kit and a music stand at the foot of the bed. 

Continuing along the room you can see the cat tree and my drag makeup organizer near the closet.

This is the side of my room with the door. The cat litter box and trash can are right by the door so I  scoop it on my way out.
The filing cabinet blocks the view of my bed from the door. Jewelry organizer and photos on the wall.
The mini fridge contains my stash of fancy condiments and stinky cheeses. 

Picture looking towards the bookshelf with cameo appearance by Esh.
You can see the magnetic poetry on my mini fridge and some of the board games and stuffed dragon on to of the bookshelves.

Portrait of cat and books. I have pictures of my friends along my bookshelves.
I'm thinking of trying to find somewhere I can relocate the kids books to so that I can make more space for everything else.
I'm not a hoarder in general but I certainly have a book hoarding problem. 

My friend Alice, modeling the tree stencils on the wall behind my bed which she helped me paint. 

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