jeudi 30 juin 2016

Lost and Theater!

Today I managed to get myself lost in Paris. But hey! At least it was pretty! I walked and walked and walked some more. Here are the photos I took on my long and aimless walk, which involved the Parc de Bercy and Bercy Village:


Monster Pole.




Me in front of a hot pink fountain.

Neat buildings.

Me on a bridge.

Boats on the Seine.

Me in front of the Seine.

Cool statues.

Rose garden.

Red rose.

White roses.

Roses against the sky.

Me in the rose garden.


Pretty hill.


Lake with mini Eiffel Tower.

Bercy Village Entrance.


Bercy Village Street.

Neat old building.


More graffiti.

Tonight I'm going to a play by directed my new friend/Wolfie's other godfather called "un songe d'une nuit d'été" and you can see the link here.


Edit: Ok. Things did not go as planned. But! I did hang out with Feather, the other godfather, and the godmother/minister of Feather's church.

The Godparents!

Me and Feather. I don't know why I'm holding my head weirdly in this photo.

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