vendredi 24 juin 2016


Tomorrow I leave for France! I'm going to miss my cats and my housemates but I'm SO excited!

French flag and Eiffel tower background with "I AM GOING TO FRANCE!" in the foreground.

Joy is watching the cats for me and Belle is taking care of the vermicompost worms. Hopefully the garden can just tough it out but I did ask Joy to water it if we have a heat wave or something. I also said that if it started looking completely overgrown she could send me photos and I'd reply with instructions about what to do. I'm bringing books over with me and returning with yarn for Purl (she requested an order from this shop, which is apparently English-speaking?) and wine and cheese for my chosen family.

Would you just look at the adorableness that's awaiting me in France?! Ugh! I could die of cuteness...

Wolfie looking adorable. 

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