dimanche 5 juin 2016

Alice Weekend

I spent this weekend visiting my friend Alice. Much of that time was spent searching for a bathing suit for her along with Home Slice and Plath. The rest of the time was spent eating tasty things, chatting, and thrifting.

Me, Home Slice, Alice, Plath.

On a side note, the four of us discussed which Star Wars character we'd each be. The verdict? I'm an Ewok because I'm short, chubby, furry, and I sometimes talk in funny voices. Home Slice is Yoda because she's older, wiser, and shorter than the rest of us. Alice is Chewbacca, mainly because of her hair and I think also because of how she is in the morning before she finishes waking up. Plath is R2D2 because she's adorable and useful and also she owns an R2D2 hat.

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