jeudi 2 juin 2016


Today I was super brave. Why, you ask? Because I went on a movie date to see Alice Through The Looking Glass! (It's the sequel to Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland.)

Movie poster for Alice Through the Looking Glass.

This may not seem like a big thing, but as someone with a hearing loss I can assure you it is. That's because for me to go to the movies I need to call ahead and arrange for a personal closed captioning system. And that closed captioning system is, quite frankly, embarrassing as hell. The last thing I want to do is stand out for having my own personal adaptive sound system.

Comic from That Deaf Guy of a couple of deaf men going to the movies and using the closed captioning system.

Anyway, I've been excited to see the movie and I've wanted to meet up with this gentleman caller so I decided to go for it. And it was fine. Nothing earth shattering but I enjoyed myself and the captioning system worked well and didn't phase my date in the least. Not bad.

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