mercredi 29 juin 2016

Orientation Recap

Orientation was incredibly long and incredibly boring. We did a whole lot of sitting in a room being lectured at, plus some walking about the area with student tour guides. It was mostly stuff we could've figured out ourselves with minimal effort so it felt like a HUGE waste of time. The highlights were:

1) Lunch in the cafe under AUP. Theis was mainly a highlight because I got to meet my new classmates. But also they fed us decent Indian food and salad so that was cool. No pictures, though.
2) Welcome reception. This was another nice chance to mingle, this time with wine and cheese. Once again no pictures.
3) Dinner with other students at Cafe Rousillon. This was a highlight because I got to meet even more people and also I had a delicious cheese plate. The only picture I took was of the cheese plate. Ha!

Cheese plate.

4) Boat ride along the Seine. This time I took a TON of photos.

I'm on a boat! With lots of other tourists!

Look at this view!!!

Isn't this pretty?

Notre Dame.

Beautiful stained glass.

We passed another boat.


Look at the sky!

Eiffel Tower.

Eiffel Tower again with giant soccer ball.

5) My walk home. Because I came back the way I went to school and it's a really pretty walk. See?

Look at the sky!

Ooooh. Aaaaaah.

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