lundi 27 juin 2016

Apartment Tour/Photos So Far

Ok. As promised, here's a photo update. First, me in the airport and me arriving at my friends' house:

Me at the airport.

Feather and me looking crazed and jet-lagged.

Wolfie and Feather.

Wolfie and some cheese.

Now a tour of my airbnb apartment so you can see it. Here we go. First you go down my street…

Street signs are on buildings for some bizarre reason.

My street is pretty charming, though.

Next you get to my apartment. Through the door...

Me showing you the door to my apartment.

Up about a billion stairs...

I'm on the 6th floor. Oy.

And you reach my very gay front door. It opens into the kitchen/bathroom...

Doormat says "The friends of my friends are my friends."

Bookshelf and very narrow hallway-bathroom.


More kitchen and washing machine. Isn't this charming?

To the right of the kitchen is my room. The bed can go up when not in use. Such a good idea!

Bed down.

Bed up.

I also have an adorable little balcony with a decent view of everyone's rooftops.

Tiny table where I eat my breakfast.

Not a bad view, eh?

Kind of nice actually.

And last but not least, here's where I catch the train to school:

Flowered street.

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