jeudi 7 juillet 2016

Talk in French!

One thing I've found rather annoying is that, while I like them all so far, my classmates often revert to speaking English when they're not in class. I don't get it. We're here living in France and taking a multi-week French immersion course because we want to improve our French. Why are you speaking English?!?!?!

Captain Picard yelling "Mais putain parle Français!" which means "But damn it speak French!"

At any rate, today I had my French immersion, I ate a nice lunch with some of my classmates, and then I wandered about Invalides a bit before heading back to Feather and Dolphin's where I'm staying.

Street art.

Near my school.
Neat building.

Me in front of a statue.

Pretty water fountain.

Coat of arms.

Me in front of Invalides.

Look at the canons!
Tree lined path to the metro.
Graffiti saying "Une Seule Passion: La Revolution."

Dolphin and Wolfie.

More Dolphin and Wolfie.
Dolphin, Wolfie, and Feather eating ice cream.

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