mercredi 6 juillet 2016


Today I decided to skip class and instead take the train to Amiens for the day. The train ride was pretty...

Me on the train.

View from my train window.

Another view from my train window.

Once I arrived, I wandered the town a bit and grabbed some lunch. The town was adorable.

Random park with view of the cathedral.

Me in front of a cool clock tower.

Tiny fountains.

Very squarely trellised trees.

Me at the cafe.

Lampshade art installation.

Me in front of a church.

Row of pretty buildings.


Gargoyle and me.

After lunch, I went and wandered about in the famous and gorgeous cathedral. My favorite part was the labyrinth on the floor.

Outside of the cathedral. Isn't this gorgeous?!

Looking up from closer to the cathedral.

Doorway to the cathedral with the saints statues.

Look at those high arches!

The floor labyrinth.

So pretty.


Look at this stained glass!

Oh. My. God.


Once I left the cathedral I wandered the town a bit more...

Pretty square.

Cute little street.
I love how colorful the houses are here!

Interesting graffiti.

This is ridiculously picturesque.

I love the sky and the brick buildings in this photo.

This river is so pretty!

And lastly, I went to the floating gardens. They were lovely. My favorite part was the area with hammocks. Few things are better than swinging in a hammock on a nice day.

I found a goat.

Random art installation with a boat.

Those are all mirrors and you can walk between them.

Me in the woods.

Beautiful view from the woods.

Me in my hammock!

The field next to the hammock.

After I checked out the gardens, I headed back on the train. I arrived just in time to have a tasty falafel dinner with Feather, Dolphin, Wolfie, and Wolfie's godmother.

Wolfie's godmother, Wolfie, and Dolphin read a book.
Wolfie knocks down my block tower.

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