samedi 9 juillet 2016

Gay or European?

I'm having a problem. Everyone in France dresses better than their counterparts in the USA. Which means that most of the men here look gay or at least metrosexual to me. There are heterosexual men walking about with fitted pants, jewelry, deep v-neck t-shirts, fashion scarves, etc. My gaydar is broken here. How will I ever find a French boyfriend?

Meme with a picture of Fry from Futurama that says "Not sure if gay or just French."

Well I may not know how to find a boyfriend, but I do know how to find good food. At the market! I took Wolfie with me today and snapped some photos so you can see the wonderous market in Pantin France. I managed to find truffled brie on sale! Also all the vegetables I wanted, other cheeses, flowers, and some delicious lunch. Enjoy!

Me and Wolfie, who is unsure about this hat situation.

The market.





She is soooo happy that she managed to take her hat off. 

Dolphin makes a tart.

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