mercredi 13 juillet 2016

I Am Le Tired...

Friends, I am tired. The past few days were spent hanging out with my friends. On Sunday we made homemade ice cream and pecan pie and then had a friend (Tat) over for a mini football (aka soccer) watching party so we could all be disappointed to watch France lose together.

Me and Wolfie and the ice cream!

Wolfie's ice cream.

Wolfie plays catch.

France is losing.

Tat, Feather, and Dolphin watching France lose the match. Poo!

On Monday Feather's dad arrived and we all went to a local restaurant for lunch. Then Feather helped me with some work I'd been putting off and we made falafel and hummus for dinner.

Beautiful sidewalk area.

Wolfie re-meets her grandpa. 

On Tuesday one of Feather and Dolphin's friends came for a visit and I got a chance to practice my French with her. After she left, we all went out to Gandhi Ji's for Indian food. They're incredibly nice there and the food is AMAZING. If you ever go there, try the house cocktails and the eggplant appetizer. You won't be disappointed.

Feather and Wolfie.

Feather, Wolfie, and Feather's dad.
Feather and I on our way to Gandhi Ji's. 

So after all of that now I'm tired. So very tired...

Cartoon person lying in bed looking exhausted with the word
"Bonjour…" in dripping red letters above them.

Today I slept in, made everybody pancakes for brunch, read a book, got amazing honey and goat cheese pizza for lunch, took a nap with Wolfie, helped Feather pack for her trip to the USA, and ate Japanese food delivery for dinner.

Wolfie and her nanny.

Wolfie and Dolphin.

Me and Wolfie.

Wolfie pulls my lip.

Wolfie naps on me.

Me, Wolfie, and Feather in our knits made by our mutual friend (who I need to make a nickname for)

Tomorrow early morning Feather, Wolfie, and Feather's dad leave for the USA and Dolphin and I stay here. 

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