jeudi 19 septembre 2019

So. Tired.

Today I had work immediately after my overnight clinical. Does anyone else see a sad pattern here? So do I. That pattern is no sleep for me.

Squidward from the cartoon Sponge Bob Square Pants looking completely exhausted with bloodshot eyes and the text "I am not tired" superimposed on the picture.

Anyway, despite the lack of sleep I managed to make it through my scheduled 7-3 shift. I wore my black krav shirt and a black military-style cap with jeans and sneakers.

Me smiling despite the tiredness.

After work I took Love Bug to his classmate's Pokemon-themed birthday party. If I'd known the party was Pokemon-themed I would've worn something Pokemon-themed! Oh well. They had cake and pizza and happy kids so it was fun and Love Bug seemed to enjoy himself.

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