lundi 30 septembre 2019

Hat Month Grand Finale!

Well folks, it has been a month. I'm actually kind of sick of wearing hats so I'm glad it's finally time to let my head be free. For my final hat I'm bringing back the hat I wore to my wedding. This was actually the first time I'd worn it post-wedding and it felt kind of freeing to be able to wear it again without all the emotional weight attached. For anyone who was not around when I got married (which is probably most of the blog readers since I started this blog during my divorce) I got married in a white tux with black shirt and a white bowler hat with a birdcage veil. 

Today I wore the wedding hat with a pink and white striped button down shirt, jeans, and pink converse shoes. Not a bad finale, if I do say so myself.

Me smiling in my outfit.

Me making a funny face in my wedding hat.

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