mercredi 10 octobre 2018

Bombed Exam and Secrets

Well, that test did not go well. I actually sought out my advisor to talk to her about it and had this conversation:

Me: So I’m freaking out because I bombed my pathophysiology test. 
Advisor: Wait what? I got a gigantic list of everyone who is failing the class and you’re not on it. 
Me: … 
Her: Oh! You did bomb the test! You’re still passing the class because you had a perfect grade before. Well I can tell you that you’re doing much better than a lot of people. 

Somehow this does not make me feel any better...

Black and white meme of guy from the 1950s that says "Don't Worry: Everyone Else Failed The Test Too."

The other big thing that's going on is not something I can post about. Sigh.

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