mardi 27 mars 2018

Protesting, Birthdays, and Unintentional Coordination

My weekend involved all three of the things in the title. On Saturday I went to the March for Our Lives protest. Here's an article about it. And here are a few pictures I ganked from the article:

Panoramic view of the crowd at the protest in Worcester.

Marching crowd at the Worcester protest.

After that, I went to my family's house to celebrate my brother's birthday:

Brother and fiancee with the cake she made him.

My baby brother is 30!!! I feel so old!!!

On Sunday I went to church and then visited Pacman and Purl. No pictures of any of that. Then on Monday (which is still the weekend for me), I visited some other friends and found I was unintentionally coordinated with one of them:

True friends dress in orange and brown.

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