jeudi 8 mars 2018

International Women's SNOW DAY!

It's International Women's Day! I'm incredibly blessed to have a number of amazing women in my life. I'm wearing red today to show my support, but more importantly I'm continuing my commitment to live out intersectional feminism as much as possible in my daily life.

Black and white cartoon with panels featuring different women on it. The text says "If your feminism isn't fat positive, anti-racist, trans* inclusive, pro choice, challenging ablism, or against classism then who's it even for?"

In addition to International Women's Day, today is also the day that my city got close to 17 inches of snow dumped on it in an overnight snowstorm. Luckily for me I was snowed in at work which meant my car was in a garage and I don't have to shovel. Phew!

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