samedi 17 mars 2018

Backdated Post - Ajaccio

We started the day off by cleaning the air bnb since it was Ferris and Le Grand Monsieur's last day. Then we drove out to Ajaccio. We parked near the docks and walked through the farmer's market to a burger store for lunch. I wasn't hungry so while everyone else ate lunch, I spent an hour in the bookstore picking out books for my journey home. Here are some pictures of the docks and farmer's market:


Me, Feather, and Ferris in front of the docks. 
Statue Homage to the Resistance. 

Olives for sale. 

Sausages at the market.

Statue near the market.

After that, we walked to Napoleon's house. It wasn't particularly impressive looking, but since Napoleon is Ajaccio's big claim to fame it was worth a visit.

Napoleon's house!

Me in front of the door to Napoleon's house.

More of Napoleon's house. 

Me with a Napoleon cutout.

From there we wandered about the town looking at buildings and going into tourist shops and knife stores (Corsica is famous for its knives).

Église Sainte Jean-Baptiste.

Dolphin, Wolfie, and me in front of Ajaccio Cathedral.

Side street in Ajaccio.

Pink building in Ajaccio.

Military complex of Ajaccio. 


Dolphin listens to construction tubes?

Pretty building.

Mary on a building.

Nice details on the side of a building.

Wolfie finds a light-up bunny.

Plants and crumbling walls.

Wolfie and Ferris walk through a tunnel.

Ajaccio, like all cities, has a lot of graffiti and street art. I decided to photograph some of it:

Graffiti that says "L'espoir et un piège."

Black and white street art faces.

Me in front of a street art portrait.

Art wall.

The rest of the art wall.

Artsy face mask.

Secret gallery sign.

Me making a growling face in front of bear graffiti.

"Color la vie" graffiti.

Graffiti on a door: "Les oursins dans les poches, et les chausettes dans les sandales."

More street art people.

Warrior teddy bear graffiti.

Graffiti in Corsican about Corsican liberation.

Street art fish and person.

More mini murals.

After all of the walking about, it was time for lunch. For lunch I had blettes (a swiss chard tart) and canistrelli (delicious Italian biscuits) from Boulangerie Galeani, an organic bakery that was founded in 1835 and has been a family bakery for five generations now. The food is delicious and their very friendly owner taught me a few phrases in Corsican. If you go to Ajaccio you should absolutely eat here.


After lunch we stopped at the Musée Fesch where we finally remembered to get a group photo of all of us before dropping off Ferris and Le Grand Monsieur.

Feather and Wolfie posing like the statue of Cardinal Joseph Fesch.

Pretty archway.

Group photo of everyone!

Then the rest of us went back to the rock fort beach for sunset and back to the air bnb for dinner and temporary tattoos.

Road photo.

Road by the beach.

Rock fort by the beach.

Beach with clouds.

Selfie of me on the beach.

Pretty sunset.

More pretty sunset.

Feather gives Wolfie a temporary tattoo.

Wolfie looks at her temporary tattoos.

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