jeudi 15 mars 2018

Backdated Post - Rainy Day At The Air BNB

Today was rainy and we decided to stay at home. I'd already read all of the books I took with me so I borrowed Le Grand Monsieur's copy of All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders. The most exciting moment of the morning was when Dolphin spotted some goats playing on the mountain nearby and we watched them with Le Grand Monsieur's binoculars.

For lunch we decided to venture into town to check out La Gourmandise, which was one of Marcel's recommendations. They didn't have any vegetarian dishes on the menu but they made me something anyway. For dessert, we had strawberry soup, fiadone which is basically a Corsican cheesecake, and Eau de Vie made with myrtle berries. Side note: myrtles are native here and the Corsicans put myrtle berries in all sorts of things from ice cream to liquor.

Wolfie and Le Grand Monsieur have matching bibs.

After lunch Dolphin decided to stay home and the rest of us went for a rainy walk on the beach.

The beach.

Searching for seashells.

Sand sculpture.

We were surprised to discover that what looked like a few large boulders from the road was actually the ruins of some sort of old outpost/fort.

Can you see the fort yet? Hint: look for Ferris' jacket.

Photograph of the fort from the beach side.

Ferris, Wolfie, and Feather on top of the rocks concealing the fort.

More fort.

Hidden fort tower.

Wolfie is in the tower.

This is the view through the slits in the tower.

And here's the view if you stand up to look around.

After we were good and soggy, we went back to relax and eat a delicious dinner made by Le Grand Monsieur. I have no photos of that, but here's a photo I took of the beach in the sunset as we were leaving:

Sunset at the beach.

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