lundi 7 mars 2016

'Tis The Season… For Garden Planning!!!

I am SO ready for spring. I've even put in an application for a community garden plot, since our backyard leaves a bit to be desired in terms of gardening space. *Fingers crossed*

Anyway, last year I was just moving in so I didn't have a lot of time to start up a garden. I pulled up a ton of established weeds, stuck in some herbs I'm hoping will come in this year, put in a few tomato plants, a squash plant, and some lettuce, and called it a day.

Because I'm nostalgic, I'll show you pictures of the garden at my old apartment. It wasn't a high producing garden but I was stupidly proud of it. I was given the 11ft x 4ft plot because it was a shady mudpuddle where my landlord couldn't manage to grow grass. To improve the complete lack of drainage I built a raised bed. To improve the lack of sun I trellised things and eventually added strategically placed mirrors to bounce more light where it needed to go. To be honest, that garden was a constant battle against slugs and powdery mildew. But! It was my baby and I loved it dearly.

Cucumber growing up the fence next to the garden.


Tons of marigolds in the front sidewalk plot.

Shiitake mushrooms.

Me planting things - you can see the mushroom logs behind me.

Chives in a mini box next to the garden.

Beans from the garden on the kitchen counter.

Acorn squash from the garden sitting on the deck.

Garlic from the garden hanging from the door along with the pizza peel. 

In that garden the best crops were the shade tolerant plants and fungi. Mushrooms, garlic, amaranth, chives, rosemary, rhubarb, asparagus, cucumbers, squash, lettuce, peas, and beans. Worst crops were the sun loving plants. Tomatoes were small and late and plagued by slugs. Eggplants and peppers were a no go. Corn would have been laughable so I didn't even try.

I'll make another post soon to share my plans for this year's garden. In my current back yard there's a raised bed that's almost the size of my old one, and there are some raised plant boarders along part of the backyard fence which I hope to expand so they border the whole fence. There are also lots of other spaces where I can put container plants. In general, this garden will be infinitely more sunny and well-draining than my last garden and its biggest garden threats so far appear to be kids and pets. Even if I don't get a community garden plot, this garden will make me happy. If I do get one, the sky is the limit!

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