mercredi 13 avril 2016

Slam Poetry

Friends, I'm taking a French Slam Poetry Workshop at the Alliance Française of Boston. Today is the second week and so far the class is both exhilarating and terrifying. I've decided that for the duration of the class, I'm going to post a slam a week - in English since I my blog is in English and I want my monolingual English speaking friends to enjoy it.

Since this is week two and I just had this whole idea I'm going to post two videos for you to make up for the lack last week. The first is Gabe Moses performing "Stimming" and the second is Guante performing "Ten Responses to the Phrase 'Man Up'":

Maybe when I'm in France visiting my friends and taking my immersion classes, I'll ask around to see if I can find an open mic night where I can perform. 

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