mardi 19 avril 2016

Choose My Hair Color!

Friends, in the past I have dyed my hair many colors. The most notable attempts were the long dark purple head banger hair, the spiky platinum blonde super gay looking hair, and the multicolored mohawk. All of which were unfortunate decisions, and all of which required far more upkeep than I am willing to put into my hair. Straightening? Combing? Hair gel? No thank you! This time I am keeping my same old haircut which requires no upkeep. I'm just going to make it a fun color.

I'm going to use Manic Panic because it's vegan and it reminds me of my youth. I've picked out three colors: Cotton Candy Pink, Atomic Turquoise, and Mystic Heather. You are going to tell me which color to use, by leaving a blog comment with your vote. I'll dye my hair the winning color on the first Fierce Friday in May. Because obviously crowd sourcing my hair color is the best plan, right?

Option A: Cotton Candy Pink

Option B: Atomic Turquoise

Option C: Mystic Heather

Since I'm dying the hair on my head I plan to go for it and dye my armpits as well. I realize that I'm very late to the party with that particular beauty trend but I've been wanting to do it since before it became popular (when it was only the weirdo queers doing it). I also very briefly considered dying my eyebrows, facial hair, pubes, chest hair, etc but have decided that would be overkill. I'm sure you're relieved.

I'm posting some pictures of random men with these hair colors that I've ganked from the internet so you can get an idea of what they might look like on other white men who are more conventionally attractive than me.


And just for fun… Here's a video of some guys dying their armpit hair:

* Because it's relevant to the topic at hand, I should mention that the colorful armpit hair beauty trend isn't necessarily accessible to everyone. Here is a good article a friend of mine posted a while back about how shaving isn't always a choice for women of color.

My big questions going into this:

* Will I look like an easter egg?
* Will my armpits and head hair end up the same color?
* Do I need to bleach the hair first if I'm already blonde?
* Am I supposed to buy fancy dyed-hair shampoo now?
* Will this fade out eventually or am I gonna be shaving my hair off to get rid of it?

Please vote for your favorite color and stay tuned for the big reveal on the first Fierce Friday in May!

12 commentaires:

  1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un administrateur du blog.

  2. Reposting : ) BLUE. So,you look like a MERMAN ready for beachy summer fun. The sun tends to fade it into gradients of aqua, green, and blue. So, it gets some nice textural, van gogh, coolness.

  3. Pink or turquoise... but I'm REALLY partial to the pink

  4. I'm voting turquoise because you look SO good in that color!!!

  5. I love all the colors, but i would choose the pink for you (in the darker shade shown on the 3rd model). Here's why: While lovely, turquoise and blue are the IN hair colors this year (we watch a lot of fashion shows), and when i walk downtown in Boston, its impossible to not pass 6 or more men or women with blue hair. If you want to be part of the crowd, its THE choice - but arent you trying to be a bit fiercer? The same thoughts go with purple - its very common these days - one might say that turquoise is the new purple for hair. The dark pink will be great AND different

    As for your questions, So what if your pits arent quite the same shade? It will probably be difficult to match perfectly.

    Since you tend to be a crunchy-granola guy, i bet your shampoo is already color safe. Many natural type hair products are. The important thing is to avoid sulfites, alcohols, and other chemically sounding ingredients. You dont necessarily have to get SAFE FOR COLOR packaging..just read the fine print.

    Of course your hair will grow and you will buzz it when too long - The color will be shorn without drastic measures over time. Also, i seem to remember noting that manic panic colors tend to fade more than 'traditional colors'

    So yes, thats that. Also, pubes. ;P


    1. Dying my pubes seems hilarious and also kind of terrifying. Because what if it burns?!?!?!

  6. Turquoise! ! I will live vicariously through you and your adventurous colors. :)

