vendredi 15 avril 2016

Fierce Friday

In the words of Ben Franklin, "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."

Cartoon of a man opening the door to the Grim Reaper and the IRS.
The man's thought bubble says "Oh no, death AND taxes."

Today is April 15th aka the day taxes are due in the USA. So I've decided to dress like death. By which I mean I'm hearkening back to my goth phase. Yes, I went through a goth phase. I'd probably still be in said goth phase if I didn't discover that I actually love bright colors as much as I love black. So there you go.

Black and white painting of a long-haired female violinist in a ballgown in front of the full moon.

Black and white image of a graveyard with full moon and a crow perched on a grave.

Full moon rising behind a castle in the background and a bare tree with a crow in the foreground. 

So to become goth, I rounded up the black clothes in my wardrobe. I'm wearing a black shirt I got in Canada, a black cap, dark grey pants, my favorite black boots, black nail polish, black axe earrings, a black bracelet with the Lord's prayer on it, and a necklace of skulls. Outside I added a black jacket and black scarf with stars.

Outerwear showing off my cap and thrifted star scarf.
Head shot of my outfit. Please note the earrings!
Closeup of my necklace and my t-shirt which says "t-shirt noir mystérieux."
Body shot of my outfit.
Me making a scary death face and showing off my bracelet.

What did I do as a one-day goth? I met up with my cousin for an outdoor book planning session over dark hot chocolate.

Me and my cousin. Don't we look alike?

Ok. Last thing. Just because it's hilarious and also sort of goth, I give you the youtube series "Salad Fingers." You can thank Bone for this show:

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