lundi 14 janvier 2019

Oh, Straight People

Kid from The Sixth Sense saying "I see straight people" instead of "I see dead people..."

I went into work today to take Love Bug to an appointment with his new neurologist. While we were getting ready for the appointment, I had a conversation with a coworker. It went something like this...

Coworker: I was out with my girlfriend yesterday and blah blah blah. 

Me: Oh I didn’t know you were bi! 

Her: [Looks confused and uncomfortable] 

Me: Oh sorry! You've mentioned your ex husband before so I assumed you were bi and not gay. 

Her: I’m straight. 

Me: How does your girlfriend feel about that?

And THEN I remembered that straight women say “girlfriend” to mean “platonic friend who is female.” Dear straight people: don't do this! You are confusing the rest of us!

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