mardi 1 janvier 2019

19 Goals for 2019

Here we have it. This year's new years goals!

Photo of black construction paper being peeled away and underlying text that says "This Year I Will."

1. Get back into krav maga
2. Eat more vegetables
3. Make it through nursing school
4. Get licensed as a foster parent
5. Go to church every week
6. Self-publish my kids book
7. Ask someone on a date
8. Learn about beekeeping
9. Raise money for the GLBT Asylum Seekers
10. Visit somewhere I've never been
11. Start a vegetable garden
12. Visit the Worcester Art Museum
13. Eat at one of the Dim Sum places near my house
14. Get my gun license
15. Make canneles
16. Host a high tea
17. Learn ASL
18. Fix up my mom’s flower garden
19. Bring back Fierce Fridays

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