jeudi 15 février 2018

Shopping Spree!!! Whee!!!

Ok, I don't usually go on shopping sprees. But this week I was bored so I dragged Waldo along with me to a couple thrift shops and some other stores for window shopping.

"Gay AF" baseball cap.

Waldo wears a unicorn head. 

The reason I bothered to post this is because while we were in Savers' Thrift Store, I wound up finding my birthday present to myself. A full 8-person set of china for under $30! It's Prudence brand china and the pattern is called Antiquity. Yippee!

Cart from Savers with the china in it.

Of course as soon as I got home I set the table with four of the eight place settings so I could take photos. Here you go:

Table all set up with light blue tablecloth that matches the blue and white china.

Another picture of the china on the table.

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