jeudi 8 février 2018

My Other Blog

Well, the best way to get back into blogging is to start posting, right? So here we go...

Drawing of a white woman in vintage attire holding a cooking pot.
The quote on it says "My cooking is so fabulous... even the smoke alarm cheers me on!"

In addition to all the new stuff I mentioned in my last post, I have been working on a cooking blog! The main idea behind it is that I've been posting a picture and the recipe for my dinner every weeknight (in English and French). I don't always manage to do it - sometimes all I get out on time is the name of the recipe I ate so I have to go back and edit it later to add the pictures and recipe - but I've done a fairly decent job of it so far and I like that it keeps me cooking good dinners for myself.

The most recent thing I've added is a sidebar with an index of all of my recipes for easy searching. I'm eventually planning to add in some non-dinner recipes, food sustainability related posts, and posts about food growing and composting.

Anyway, you can find the new blog HERE if you're interested.

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