dimanche 11 février 2018

2017 New Year's Resolutions Update

It occurs to me that I never gave the 2017 resolutions recap. Here it is!

If you'll recall, my plan was to track what I eat in order to figure out how much I eat in a year so I would know what I need to plant to grow it myself. I made a really good start with this, but with multiple moves and food sharing with housemates it was too hard to keep track. I might re-start this plan in 2018 but we'll see.

My exercise goals were to be able to do a handstand, a cartwheel, a split, 25 pull ups, 50 pushups, 200 situps, and 200 squats. I still can't do the handstand, splits, or pull-ups, but I've reached all the other goals.

I debated and ultimately wound up deciding against doing a 5K color run because as exciting as crossing the finish line sounds to me, it turns out that running just isn't my thing.

I was curious about the circus classes , rock climbing, kickboxing, and Krav Maga. I wound up taking "Survey of Circus" at Esh Circus Arts in Somerville. I'd love to take another circus class at some point, but now I don't live near there anymore. After I moved here, I started taking kickboxing and Krav Maga at a local studio and I'm really enjoying both.

I am proud to announce that I'm credit card debt free, my car is paid off, and I'm on my way towards paying off my current student loans before I need to take out loans for nursing school. I have not managed to put money into retirement because I've been throwing anything extra into debt. I fizzled out on using Digit for no particular reason. I did, however, keep up with my charity donations. I should really start posting about the charities I pick again.

Focus More on Spirituality
I did a really good job with this goal overall. I continued to do my daily gratitudes and finally got into the habit of saying grace before meals. Although I did pray more frequently, I wasn't successful at the morning and bedtime prayers. I finally found a new local church and I need to get into a more regular routine with going.

One thing I'm really proud of myself for this year is following through with both my "Become Love" motto and the "Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?" criteria regarding my speech. I've been in several extremely difficult interpersonal situations this past year and I'm overall satisfied with how I conducted myself. I behaved well, even in the face of lies and slander directed at me by people I'd trusted.

This Year's To-Do List
If you'll recall, these were the smaller things that didn't seem large enough to be proper resolutions.

Here are the ones I managed to do:
* Get a professional massage.
* Go on a date.
* Swim in the ocean.
* Make video recordings of me reading kids' books and send them to Wolfie.
* Go dancing.
* Fly a kite.
* Take the kid housemates sledding.
* Take my grandmother out to lunch.

And here are the ones I started but didn't finish:
* Make a will - I have this written up but need to make it official.
* Self-publish my kids' book - I've switched who is illustrating this for me.
* Make a junk statue with Tea.
* Go camping and roast s'mores - I set up MULTIPLE camping trips, all of which failed to happen. I did, however, roast s'mores around a friend's backyard firepit.
* Play a violin duet with Primo - we picked a song but I wound up moving out so this didn't happen.
* Bike around Martha's Vineyard - this was a planned trip with Cupcake that they canceled.

And here are the ones I didn't do:
* Make a junk statue with Tea.
* Organize all of my photos.
* Go sailing.
* Take my dad kayaking.
* Become an ambassador for the Boston Children's Museum.
* Go apple picking and then make a pie.
* Go on a whale watch.

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