dimanche 5 février 2017

This Weekend

Yesterday I spent all day/night at work. Today I'd planned to visit friends but they got the same virus my house had. Instead after church I went to the GLBT Immigrant Solidarity Protest with Plum and the kids. They grabbed their rainbow gear and I dressed in red, white, and blue because I felt like being patriotic.

Me and Terzo.

Plum, Secondo, and Primo. They're wearing rainbow gear and Plum is holding a cardboard sign.
The sign says "Land of the FREE to choose: loves, gender, home."

All of us with our homemade cardboard signs. Mine says "No Pride for Some without Liberation for All"
with "pride" in rainbow, "some" in peach tones, "liberation" in red/white/blue, and "all" in brown.
Secondo's sign which is a pink and blue stripes that says "Love." The others are hard to read.

Crowd shot.

Another crowd shot.

Primo and Terzo holding up their signs. Primo's sign says "You Are Welcome" in colorful bubble letters.
Terzo's sign says "Donald Trump is being wrong." in black letters with drawings around it. 

Pro photographer got a photo of all of us marching.

The march ended up in front of this church.

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