mardi 14 février 2017

Canceled Plans and Cranky Valentines' Day

I had so many fun plans for this weekend. I was going to hang out with Tea, go to Aquafabulous' birthday party, visit friends in Worcester, go to the library, and babysit Mini T. None of that happened because I was super sick. I spent the entire weekend either in bed or on the couch. Though, frankly, it has been snowing like crazy so I probably wouldn't have been able to go many places anyway.

The one good thing that happened all weekend was that my housemates and I finally had our "oatmeal party." Terzo had been asking me for months to host an oatmeal party where we eat all kinds of oatmeal (oatmeal is one of his favorite foods). I've also been wanting to host a movie night. So since I was stuck inside feeling crappy anyway, I decided to combine those things. I cooked up a bunch of oatmeal and set up the kitchen table as a make-your-own oatmeal bar with toppings. Then we all ate oatmeal and watched cartoons.

Today it's Valentines' Day and I called out sick because I still feel like crap. I failed to make valentines for people because I was sick. And so far I've gotten several email valentines but no physical valentines, which has me feeling kind of down even though I feel silly about it. Hopefully next time I post here it'll be less of me whining.

On a funny note, though, the kid housemates asked me to read this book and I thought it was appropriate given my mood:

Picture of book page which says "I like crying. It helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life's problems."
The picture is a sobbing blue character from the movie Inside Out

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