mercredi 5 octobre 2016

Yesterday (and Today)

Yesterday I went with Joy, Mini T, and Joy's friend who I don't have a nickname for yet to the Garment District to look for Halloween costume stuff. I didn't find most of what I was looking for but I still feel like I emerged victorious because I left with a $2 pair of shoes for my costume.

Mini T in the clothes pile. 

Mini T at the Garment District.

Joy's friend at the Garment District.

My jacket is too big.

Mini T tries on costumes.

Once we'd shopped 'til we dropped, we headed to The Friendly Toast for dinner and their (incredibly difficult) Stump Trivia Night. 

I make friends with the mannequin.

Joy and Mini T try the weird exercise machine.

Mini T in the hairdo chair.

Joy, Mini T, and Joy's friend.

Me and Joy.

Doesn't this food look delicious?

After all of that, I had to go to my night job. But I returned to a delightful thing: apple pie! Courtesy of Belle, who should win some sort of vegan baking award because this pie was amazing.

Apple pie.

Today was less eventful, but I did go to Goodwill where I found a dress for my costume and a cloak for Belle's costume. Total cost of my costume so far is $8.99. My budget limit is $20 and the only things I still need to buy are fake buck teeth, fake fingernails, grommets, and washers. The most expensive thing is going to be the teeth. I found exactly what I'm looking for online for $9.74 with free shipping but that will kill my budget. I'm only going to get them if I can get everything else for under $2. This might be doable since I'm thinking I may have fake fingernails left over from my zombie costume and I have a coupon to Joann Fabrics so I should be able to get the grommets and washers for under a couple bucks. Wish me luck! 

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