dimanche 11 septembre 2016

Cambridge Carnival

Today was Cambridge Carnival and Joy, Karma, and I took the kiddos. Joy and Mini T's family is partly from Barbados so they wore blue and yellow like the flag. Karma and I are both white and we don't know the other kids' heritage so we all decided to represent Barbados too. I did my best to paint everyone's faces with the flag. I wound up touching it up midway through and the second go-around looked better than the first attempts. Oh well. Here are some pictures of us:

Group photo of everyone. 

Primo and Mini T watching the parade.

Primo, Secondo, and Terzo at the kids' table.

Secondo decked out in Barbados' colors.

Joy and I sharing a drink in a pineapple.

Two things that were really cool in the kids' section were people teaching you how to make origami flowers and people setting off film canister rockets with water and alka seltzer. Here's a video I found online about how to make the rockets:

We ran into people we knew at Carnival but I forgot to get pictures. I did, however, find some gorgeous photos of the event (including one of my friend and her son!) online taken by a fellow named Larry Aaronson.

My friend Jewel and her son.

People dancing.

Man with amazing whip skills.


Dancer representing Barbados.

More dancers.

More dancers.

More dancers.

Another person representing Barbados.




Aren't his photos amazing?! I wish he had a photography website I could link you to...

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