samedi 5 novembre 2016

Karate Tournament Day

Today Karma and I took Primo, Secondo, and Terzo to their karate tournament. They did an amazing job! Primo took first place in his division for board breaking and sparring, and third in forms. Secondo took third place in her division for board breaking and sparring. Terzo took second place in his division for board breaking.

Terzo talks to the judges.
Terzo demonstrates his forms.
Terzo breaks a board.
Secondo demonstrates her forms.
Secondo sparring.
Secondo with one of her medals.
Terzo and Secondo show their medals.
Primo breaks a board.
Primo sparring.
Primo gets one of his gold medals.

After the karate tournament, I got falafel lunch with a friend and then visited Cupcake's house to work on school applications and watch a horror movie.

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