mardi 14 mars 2017

Pi Day!

Today there was a snow storm! In honor of the snow, I decided to wear a white skirt, white t-shirt, white nail polish, white earrings, and my snowflake necklace.

Head shot of me showing off my nail polish.

Body shot sitting on the floor.

Today is also Pi Day! The day that geeky people celebrate the irrational number pi aka the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter aka 3.141592 (pi is actually a much longer number but that's all I have memorized). How do we celebrate? By eating pie on 3/14 because the date looks like the number pi. 

Einstein in a pi shirt holding a pie.

It turns out that wearing white may not have been the best choice of my life since I also decided to bake banana tarts for pi day. Good thing I have an awesome apron!

Me pointing at my tarts while wearing my white outfit
and a brown apron that says "They see me rollin' they hatin'."

Finished tart close-up.

And just because I liked this cartoon, I'm adding it into my post.

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