mercredi 30 janvier 2019

Past Few Days

Highlights of the past few days include: a wonderful elderly gay patient with a Tina Turner obsession, Love Bug laughing and blowing raspberries at me (both of which were adorable firsts), and my plant having babies:

Plant with droopy baby.

Low point of the past few days was my car being towed because I parked it on the wrong side of the street during a snow storm. I saw other cars parked on the street and assumed that meant we could park on the street, but it turns out there was a parking ban on one side. The side I parked on. D'oh!

dimanche 27 janvier 2019

It's Not Cancer!!!!!

Thank God!!! Turns out my dad does NOT have cancer! It was actually verrucal keratosis, a benign growth we don't have to worry about. In celebration, I give you an adorable cat photo of Mayim:

Mayim laying on her cat tree and looking adorable.

Other fun highlights of today include visiting with Pacman and Purl, almost murdering the neighbors who took my painstakingly shoveled parking spot, and being awkwardly hit on by a gas station attendant whose opener was "hey bro you match your car" because I was wearing teal and my car is teal. He then went on to tell me I was "seriously the most adorable thing I’ve seen today." So apparently I should coordinate with my car more often?

lundi 21 janvier 2019

Today Is Fired.

My day started with a phone call from my dad saying that his doctors think he has mouth cancer. I REALLY hope they're wrong.

I was (obviously) upset by this so I went for a drive to cool down. Except I somehow managed to lock myself out of both the car and my apartment. I hid out at the neighbor's house and called a local friend who had a spare set of my keys to come and rescue me. Unfortunately, he showed up with the wrong set of keys. So in the end, my rescue involved going back to his house to find the right set of keys, realizing he'd lost them somehow, and then driving to the landlord's office for yet another spare set of keys. At least I finally managed to unlock the car and apartment! Thank God for friends.

Despite the shit beginning and overall rating of zero for the day, there were a few upsides. I got to spend some quality time with my rescuer in the car. Once I finally had the key situation sorted out, I visited Love Bug and we watched Harry Potter - or rather, I watched Harry Potter and he fell asleep on me. And I got to end my day by going out with Alice for vegan Chinese food at Nancy Chang’s and watching this pretty sunset:


dimanche 20 janvier 2019

KonMari Fail

Today I tried and failed to KonMari my bedroom. For those who have missed it, KonMari refers to Marie Kondo's cleaning method (HERE) in which you essentially look at each item you own and ask yourself whether it sparks joy in your life. If it does not, you thank it for its service and let it go (ideally by donating it to someone who needs it). I did a wonderful job of taking out ALL of my personal belongings. I didn't do such a good job at going through them or putting them back. So now my bedroom looks like this:

My room looks like a disaster.
I truly hope that by the end of my KonMari journey I have a useable bedroom again, because this gigantic mess does not spark joy.

Marie Kondo meme "Does this not spark joy!?"

Oh well. We can't all be perfectly organized. I should probably just admit that I am a man whose house is filled with random knick knacks and unfinished projects.

Disney witch looking out of a cellar. "Me waiting for the thrift stores to fill up with all the good stuff now bc of this Marie Kondo Netflix special. 
At least I'm enjoying all the Marie Kondo memes. I think this one is my favorite:

Marie Kondo meme. Top panel: "Does this compulsory heterosexuality bring you joy?"
Bottom panel: "Thank it for years of confusion and chuck it in the fucking bin."

What else did I do today? I spent several hours shoveling my car out so I could visit with Love Bug. At least that part of my day was a success.

jeudi 17 janvier 2019

Boring Few Days...

My last few days have been fairly boring and I am feeling sick and whiny. The most exciting part of the past few days was giving IV meds in my clinical.

Cartoon of two nurses looking at a bunch of IV poles. One nurse is saying "Welcome to the I.V. league."

The most painful part of the past few days was doing more electrolysis on my arm in preparation for an eventual skin graft. I need to remove all the hair on my arm before they can do the skin graft and I can now say from experience that electrolysis is a slow and uncomfortable process. I have a newfound respect for the trans women who need to have this done on their faces to remove their beards. Ouch!

Me getting electrolysis.

The rather painful result.

lundi 14 janvier 2019

Oh, Straight People

Kid from The Sixth Sense saying "I see straight people" instead of "I see dead people..."

I went into work today to take Love Bug to an appointment with his new neurologist. While we were getting ready for the appointment, I had a conversation with a coworker. It went something like this...

Coworker: I was out with my girlfriend yesterday and blah blah blah. 

Me: Oh I didn’t know you were bi! 

Her: [Looks confused and uncomfortable] 

Me: Oh sorry! You've mentioned your ex husband before so I assumed you were bi and not gay. 

Her: I’m straight. 

Me: How does your girlfriend feel about that?

And THEN I remembered that straight women say “girlfriend” to mean “platonic friend who is female.” Dear straight people: don't do this! You are confusing the rest of us!

dimanche 13 janvier 2019

Crappy Crap and Funny Story

I haven't written in a week because I was anxious and then upset by some crap medical news. But I'm back to myself today and have a fun work anecdote for you. First, watch Miley Cyrus' music video for the song Wrecking Ball:

And now look at this image of a person in a hoyer lift:

Person in a hoyer lift with the text "I came in like a wrecking ball" over it.

Today at work I had a teenager who was anxious and stressed about being hoyer lifted to the shower. So I asked if I could serenade him and I started singing this song. When it got to the chorus, I told him he was the chorus and hoisted him in the lift. He thought it was hilarious.

vendredi 4 janvier 2019

My Clothes Don't Fit

Well, I'm supposed to hang out with a friend tonight and I'm running into one big problem - I have nothing to wear! But I've committed to going out so I WILL figure something out. Stay tuned...

Photograph of Kermit the Frog looking out a house window to the outside.
The text says "Sorry I can't come all my clothes look stupid on me. Staying in tonight, sorry."


Ok. Here's what I've got. Comfy sweater, white nail polish, and blue lipstick because that's about all the effort I can manage at the moment.

Me in a white and blue sweater with blue lipstick and white nail polish.

jeudi 3 janvier 2019

Pasta and the ICA

Today began with lunch and an afternoon of pasta-making with my dad and my friend Karaoqueen at my dad's house:

Karaoqueen, me, and my dad.

Homemade ziti.

Then that evening I drove to Boston to see William Forsythe's Choreographic Objects at the ICA with my friend Yams. It was really cool because the art was all interactive. Like these hanging rings:

Yams in the rings.

Yams in the rings upside down.

Or this large block we crawled under:

Yams and me under the big block.

Or this room of pendulums:

Yams does a handstand in the pendulum room.

We also walked around the general galleries. My two favorites this time were...

Senga Nengudi's R.S.V.P. Reverie - "B" Suite (1977/2011):

Senga Nengudi's R.S.V.P. Reverie - "B" Suite (1977/2011).

Violet by Sanya Kantarovsky (2016), because I think it's hilarious:

Violet by Sanya Kantarovsky (2016).

mardi 1 janvier 2019

19 Goals for 2019

Here we have it. This year's new years goals!

Photo of black construction paper being peeled away and underlying text that says "This Year I Will."

1. Get back into krav maga
2. Eat more vegetables
3. Make it through nursing school
4. Get licensed as a foster parent
5. Go to church every week
6. Self-publish my kids book
7. Ask someone on a date
8. Learn about beekeeping
9. Raise money for the GLBT Asylum Seekers
10. Visit somewhere I've never been
11. Start a vegetable garden
12. Visit the Worcester Art Museum
13. Eat at one of the Dim Sum places near my house
14. Get my gun license
15. Make canneles
16. Host a high tea
17. Learn ASL
18. Fix up my mom’s flower garden
19. Bring back Fierce Fridays