dimanche 3 avril 2016

This Weekend

This weekend was great! Here's a brief recap:

I kicked the weekend off by going to the World Figure Skating Championships Men's program with Surrogate Mom and two friends I have yet to fake name. I didn't take any decent photos but I can give you a blurry shot of me to prove I was there and a skating video someone else took so you can see the skating:

My way-too-close face and the ice skating rink in the background.

On Saturday I had work in the morning. I had intended to follow this up with gardening but it was pouring rain so instead I hung out reading and building forts with my kid housemates. 

On Sunday I had marvelous intentions of productivity but instead spent the bulk of my day helping my friend Fancy shop for clothing. There are few things more fun than helping butches find suits. Truly.  I also had work in the evening because I picked up a coworker's shift. Or rather have, since that's where I am now.

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