lundi 14 mars 2016

Pi Day and Gardening

It's Pi Day! Aka March 14th which is 3/14 in the american system of dating things. And 3.14 is the number pi so the geeks I know here celebrate the day by eating pie. Not one to pass up pie, I decided to make a savory dinner pie with veggies and lentils and a nutritional yeast and walnut crumble and a sweet dessert pie with strawberries and a brown sugar and oatmeal topping. Yum!

Savory pie with cherry tomatoes as decoration.
Six mini strawberry pies.

And because I had the day off, I decided to spend it cleaning up the front area near the entrance. You'll see the after pictures with flowers once they come in but for now here are before and after pictures:


Close-up of part of the after.

And here are the new food waste bins. There's one for regular compost, one for the worms, and one for our coffee grounds for the mushrooms I'm about to start in the basement.

Waste bins with handmade labels.

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