dimanche 14 février 2016

Valentine's Day

I had a great Valentine's Day. It started with waffles and hanging out with housemates making each other valentines, which we then used to decorate the wall in the kitchen:

Vito lounges on his "hammock."
Valentines' wall in the kitchen.

After that, I visited my friend Tea and we went on a fabric hunt to gather swatches for her first sewing project: curtains for her boyfriend's living room. We hit three fabric stores and visited her mother and sister along the way to bring valentines.

Tea in the fabric store.
Tea looks at the cottons.
 I was supposed to be a tag-along for the excursion, but I emerged with three patterns I liked.

"Prepster Pullover" kid's button shirt pattern. 

Adorable 1940s retro dress reprint.
Cute kid dress with bustle.

After the shopping spree, I went on a nice Valendate. Here's a picture of my outfit and of the (so. tasty.) mini heart chocolate cake my Valendate got me:

Maroon shirt, floral tie, mardi gras beads.
Heart shaped very dense chocolate cake.

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