Ok. For my birthday, I did bunch of separate things. I kicked off birthday week with my first pedicure ever, courtesy of my friends Tinkerbell and Morgana:
Morgana in a pedicure chair. |
Tinkerbell and I soaking our feet before our pedicures. |
My feet in the pedicure soak. |
My birthday week continued on my actual birthday with phone calls, Skype serenades, and Facebook messages from far away friends. I had both jobs and a test on my birthday, but Morning surprised me with chocolate cake when I showed up at his apartment for work so that pretty much made my day. And when I got home I had birthday presents from my housemates waiting for me. Apparently these were picked out by the kids for me to wear on Fierce Fridays:
Red lipstick, sparkle nailpolish, and a bunch of eyeshadow. |
My birthday week continued on the weekend with a trip to a chocolate brunch with some friends from high school - Alice, Karaoqueen, and Plath. We dressed up and ate SO much chocolate we were stuffed:
Plath in black and grey striped dress, yellow cardigan, yellow skull earrings, black tights and shoes. |
Alice in a pink dress, green jacket, yellow clutch with blue scooters on it, and white heels. |
Karaoqueen, me, Alice, and Plath standing side by side smiling. |
Me in jeans, black boots, light blue and pink plaid shirt, navy vest, and navy nail polish. |
Karaoqueen in jeans, black boots, black scoop neck top, and coordinating black and white polka dot fitbit. |
Raspberry and chocolate dessert. |
Dark chocolate creme brûlée. |
Pink cotton candy. |
Today my birthday celebrations came to a close with an all-day housemate birthday extravaganza. The day started with makeovers, in which the kids and I put on ALL of the makeup they bought me. At once. Unfortunately I can't show you the kids but I can show you me.
Me in jeans jacket, black shirt, sparkly blue necklace, and all of the makeup |
My fingernails - navy blue with sparkles on them - they look a bit like stars. |
After makeovers, we all headed out for pizza and candlepin bowling. The kids beat the adults, but only because they had bumpers! Amusingly enough, we were all pretty horrible at bowling. Which is good, since I'm really bad and it meant that I didn't lose by too much…
Primo bowling. |
We try to figure out how to put in our names for bowling. |
After bowling, we went to the local ice cream parlor and ordered the "Button Buster." It was eight scoops of ice cream, two bananas, four sauces, nuts, sprinkles, two kinds of candy, whipped cream, and cherries. We did a decent job of it but had to leave some ice cream soup behind. Plum was last woman standing and we were all a bit impressed by her.
Me with a ginormous bowl of ice cream, and my friend Fancy behind me making an "oh my God!" face. |
Fancy laughing as Plum eats the final bits of ice cream. |
After the ice cream, we went for a mini nature walk and then watched a movie. Not a bad end to birthday week.
The kids on a bridge. |
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