Today was my pharmacology test. I am NOT a fan of pharmacology.
Gollum meme. It says "We must study the pharmacology... but we hates it!" |
At least I got to dress up in Halloween attire for the occasion?
Me ready to behead my pharmacology test like I've beheaded the metal skulls in my necklace. |
After my test I visited Joy and Mini T for pumpkin carving!
Me carving a pumpkin. |
Joy carving a pumpkin. She'll probably kill me for putting up this photo since she her hair isn't done. |
The finished pumpkins. |
Mini T trying to make a vampire face like the pumpkin. |
Mini T even drew a picture of the experience...
Mini T and her drawing. |
I'm the blue dude with glasses because "I didn't have any white people skin color."
Mini T's drawing. |
I think her drawing is cute and I'm putting it up on my fridge when I get home. Pumpkin carving definitely made today better.
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