Yesterday and today were both spent around the resort. Yesterday I spent the morning reading, then headed to the activity center to play hockey with some of the other guests at the resort. Next I decided to borrow a 1000-piece puzzle and spent several hours working on it. I haven't put a puzzle together in a really long time and I'd forgotten how much I like them. It also turned out to be a great way to interact with other people. I made friends with a few of the kids at the resort who were impressed that I was doing a hard puzzle. Then couple from Toronto stopped by to help out for a bit and we swapped contact information before they left. To make things even better, the resort started serving crêpes and hot chocolate so I helped myself to some deliciousness.
A crêpe filled with nutella and mug of hot chocolate in front of a puzzle.
I wound up spending the bulk of my evening with a gentleman from southern France who tackled some of the harder parts of the puzzle. We eventually abandoned it for dinner:
Almost finished puzzle.
Dinner was a really tasty plate of local cheeses and some local red wine. I wish I could remember the names of the other cheeses and the wine, but the one I liked best was called Le Riopelle de l'Isle.
Yummy dinner.
And that was yesterday. Today was super exciting because I got to go dog sledding! It was super cool. All of the dogs are huskies. There were five pulling the sleigh I used. The three in front are brothers and the other two in the back are not related. They put the most experienced in the front and the newbies at the back to learn from the others. The one in the closer up picture with the white muzzle is the youngest at one year old and he was SUPER enthusiastic about everything. To drive the sleigh you stand on the back of it and hold on tight. You help the dogs out by pushing with your foot like you're riding a skateboard and here's a break in the center you can step on if you need to stop them. All of the vocal commands are in French. My only wish is that I'd saved up to do the all-day session instead of the shortest time because now I want to train my own sled dogs!
Here we go!
Staged picture because I didn't think to ask anyone to get photos when we were actually going.
Me and my tuckered out team of puppies after our ride.
And while I'm posting, here's a youtube video of the place I went dog sledding. If you're in the area I highly recommend them:
After my super exciting dog sledding adventure, it was time to relax. So I had my first-ever professional massage. Not sure I'd do it again but I do feel less physically tense.
Massage room.
After my massage I headed back to my apartment to chill out. All in all, this is so much better than hanging out at home where I would be freaking out about Trump's inauguration. The only sad thing is that I've also missed Karma's birthday. I did text to say happy birthday but it's just not the same. I'll have to give them a huge hug and some maple syrup or something when I get back.
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