Today I tried and failed to KonMari my bedroom. For those who have missed it, KonMari refers to Marie Kondo's cleaning method (
HERE) in which you essentially look at each item you own and ask yourself whether it sparks joy in your life. If it does not, you thank it for its service and let it go (ideally by donating it to someone who needs it). I did a wonderful job of taking out ALL of my personal belongings. I didn't do such a good job at going through them or putting them back. So now my bedroom looks like this:
My room looks like a disaster. |
I truly hope that by the end of my KonMari journey I have a useable bedroom again, because this gigantic mess does not spark joy.
Marie Kondo meme "Does this not spark joy!?" |
Oh well. We can't all be perfectly organized. I should probably just admit that I am a man whose house is filled with random knick knacks and unfinished projects.
Disney witch looking out of a cellar. "Me waiting for the thrift stores to fill up with all the good stuff now bc of this Marie Kondo Netflix special. |
At least I'm enjoying all the Marie Kondo memes. I think this one is my favorite:
Marie Kondo meme. Top panel: "Does this compulsory heterosexuality bring you joy?" Bottom panel: "Thank it for years of confusion and chuck it in the fucking bin." |
What else did I do today? I spent several hours shoveling my car out so I could visit with Love Bug. At least that part of my day was a success.
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