Wednesday was the first day of Thanksgiving break. I worked 7-3 and then visited Love Bug. I initially wanted to see him on Thanksgiving but his family is visiting then so I figured the day before was just as good. I read him a couple of books and we practiced playing catch. He likes playing with the ball but not so much throwing it back to me. He's pretty happy when it lands in his lap, though. We'll work on it. After hanging out with Love Bug I went to my church's Thanksgiving service and dinner - mostly out of curiosity since Thanksgiving is such a colonialist, racially loaded holiday and I wanted to see how they would handle it. I was pleased that they didn't just whitewash the history of the day, but I probably won't go again.
Thursday was officially Thanksgiving and I visited my family for an early meal aka my second Thanksgiving. This cartoon pretty much sums up family Thanksgiving:
Cartoon of two white people in military helmets in front of a seating chart titled "Operation: Seating Chart." One of them is saying "Aunt Millie is an alt-righter and Cousin Jimmy is a socialist, but if we seat the Episcopalians between all of them I think we have a shot at keeping the peace." |
Then I went to visit friends for a queer vegan Friendsgiving aka my third Thanksgiving. Friendsgiving was my favorite one because there was no pressure and I could actually eat everything since it was vegan.
Me in my Thanksgiving attire. |
Table for four (the fifth guest came later). |
Dinner! |
Four of the five people at Friendsgiving. |
After Friendsgiving, I rushed off to work the overnight shift, which I then did again Friday night. I crashed for an extended nap after the overnight shift, then it was back to work for the 3-11. Then Sunday was church and another 3-11. I was a very tired me.
Me wearing house elf ears and frowning because I am overworked. |
Today is Monday and all I have to do is sleep and study. Tomorrow I have two tests and a doctor's appointment. The fun just never stops around here. Sigh.
Meme that says "Yo dawg, I heard you like anxiety attacks so here's two nursing tests a week for the whole semester." |
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