Well, this weekend all I did was work. Today I had my anatomy lecture class. I'm actually enjoying it for the most part. The human body is fascinating.
Drawing of a cell taking a selfie and the word "Cell-fie" is written under it. |
I also went on a nature walk with Pacman and we saw my favorite perennial plant,
Ghost Plant aka "Indian Pipe." Since I've mentioned it before this same month I feel like I should tell you a little bit about this plant so you understand why it's my favorite perennial. It has no chlorophyll! It's a mycoheterotroph. Basically, that means it's a parasitic plant that gets it food from the fungi it parasitizes. Which fungi does it parasitize? Fungi that are mycorrhizal with trees. Other weird fact? It's technically a member of the blueberry family.
Photo of my favorite plant. |
I also spent some time working on my comic, which is progressing extremely slowly because I am NOT an artist. I really wish I was better at drawing because the images in my head are so much better than the images on the paper. Maybe if I took an art class?
My comic is progressing extremely slowly. |
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