Well this week and weekend have flown by. On Tuesday, Feather, Dolphin, and Wolfie arrived in the states. Apparently as soon as they got to their hotel, Wolfie grabbed the phone and tried to call me. She's so cute!
Wolfie trying to call me from the hotel. |
Feather: Who are you calling?
Wolfie: Mon parrain Tony.
Wolfie (on the phone): Bonjour Tony. On est à l'hôtel. Tu viens?
Sadly, I have not gotten to see them yet because my day off is tomorrow.
What else happened? On Wednesday I had anatomy, Waldo, Morning, and an appointment with a hemotologist.
Meme of an excited husky telling a joke that says "I went to see a hematologist today... The sign on his door said Drackula." |
On Thursday I worked with Waldo and we went bowling. After that, I headed over to Morning's place for my shift with him.
Waldo bowling. |
Me at the bowling alley. |
On Friday I worked with Waldo and Morning again. Then this weekend I've worked at the pediatric CNA job which, by the way, I am still enjoying. I would post more about that job but unlike with Waldo and Matan where I can and did get consent to blog about them, I can't actually get consent to post about work and I have zero desire to violate HIPPA. I will say that one nice thing about the job is that they have a nice lawn and a porch with a handicapped accessible swing that the patients love so we've managed to get them outside on most of my shifts. The other nice thing about the job is that my favorite patient is still there.