Well, it has been a very emotional week for me and many other Americans because we just elected Trump for president. And when I say "we" I clearly mean "the majority of white people who voted" rather than "my friends and I" since none of us voted for him. My life is full of people, myself included, who are very fearful of what will happen to them under a Trump presidency. This picture sums up how I'm feeling right now:
Picture of a garbage can with a "vote here" sticker over it. |
But since this is not a political blog, I will focus on my daily life instead. In the past week I've started on Season 3 of American Horror Story with Belle, I bought a set of watercolors so I could paint the trees as a stress-buster, Joy and I took Terzo for a haircut and some new clothes, I babysat Mini T, Tea gave me amazing homemade vegan ice cream, a gentleman caller gave me a rose, Cupcake took me out to dinner, and I visited my family so that I could make pasta with my dad and Karaoqueen. I have to say I'm very truly blessed with all of the amazing people around me.
My new watercolor paints. |
In which I attempt to draw nature. |
Mini T dancing at the barber shop. |
Me and my rose. |
Joy looking amazing and ready for the ball. |
Me, Karaoqueen, and my dad (who is watching the pasta instead of the camera). |
My dad and Karaoqueen make pasta. |
Mmmmmm…. |
It was SO GOOD. |
I've also signed up to take the DALF C1 French test at the beginning December. It's a 5 1/2 hour test I need to pass to get into nursing school in Québec and I'm more than a little terrified of the test.
I also need to take two different two-day classes in Québec in January so I can be certified as a personal care assistant there. I was lucky enough to schedule the classes for the same week so I decided to turn it into a week-long vacation. I'm taking Joy and Mini T with me since Joy could use a vacation and they've never been out of the country before. I booked the resort using the timeshare I signed up for a while back. I'll probably post about the timeshare later, but having the timeshare meant the resort was essentially free since I'd pre-paid for it by getting the timeshare. In addition to our time in Québec, I'm hoping that we can make a stop in Vermont on the way there so we can cut the driving time down and also visit my friends who live there. I've got two college friends in Vermont, plus Feather's father and sister (and her husband and kid).
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