Yesterday was Halloween. I changed my mind about my costume at the last minute and instead of being Winnifred Sanderson I decided to coordinate with Joy, Mini T, and Cupcake. We did a little red riding hood themed group costume. Guess which one I was?
Me dressed as grandma. |
Here's our group photo. Joy was the wolf, Cupcake was the huntsman, I was grandma, and Mini T was little red riding hood:
Joy, Mini T, Cupcake, and me. |
My costume was my grey wig leftover from my Ursula Halloween costume of two years ago, a shower cap and curlers from Joy, brown house slippers from Joy that you can't actually see in this photo, and a large white sheet with sheep on it. I used my makeup kit to try and age myself and make some fake cleavage since I didn't feel like wearing falsies, painted my lips and nails red, and added some fake blood so I looked like I'd been attacked by a wolf. Here's me being attacked by wolf-Joy:
Me and Joy. |
And here is the rest of the crew:
Back: forder housemate's friend, former housemate, Joy, Cupcake, me. Front: Primo, Mini T, Terzo, Secondo. |
Primo was Zombie Michael Jackson, Secondo was Zombie Flash, and Terzo was a policeman. Former housemate and her friend showed up without costumes, so I lent them some props. I also doctored up Karma:
Karma. |
Cupcake and I stayed back to hand out candy. I needed to be home to wait for a locksmith to come over to help me because my only car key broke off in my car door lock. Cupcake decided to stay with me because they use a cane and trick or treating would have been too much walking. Everything went off without a hitch and there was much candy eating and a few more photos when everyone came back:
Terzo, Joy, Mini T, and Primo sort through the candy. |
Former housemate's friend with lollipop hair and Karma. |
Me and Secondo making zombie faces. |
Primo giving a zombie stare. |
Me and former housemate. |
Terzo and Mini T hugging. |