This week I did a whole lot of nothing and it was glorious. I reconnected with a former friend (Cupcake) and we hung out for a bit. I also finally managed to go for coffee with a potential new friend who said he'll come with me to some bear events. I'm excited about this because I've been trying to work up the nerve to go since I think bears are hot. For those not in the know yet, "bear" is a gay slang term for a hairy and heavyset man, like this fellow:
Gay bear on the phone. |
Anyway, the end of the week brought a weekend trip to Rockport. I had a blast! The trip contained a revolving cast of characters: Joy, Mini T, Belle, Home Slice, Karaoqueen, Fancy, Karma, Primo, Secondo, and Terzo. With special guest appearances by my cousin and Surrogate Mom, who rented me the house. Here's my summary…
Joy and Mini T and I arrived in Rockport, put our stuff at the house, and went immediately to the beach where Joy and I watched a seagull steal our goldfish crackers and Mini T made a friend and overcame her fear of seaweed with the help of swim goggles.
The beach. |
Mini T in her swim goggles. She wore these ALL day even after the beach. |
Our friend the seagull. |
In the evening we were joined by Alice, Home Slice, and Fancy. We had a delicious dinner, played a bit of scrabble, and went to the beach to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower. It was overcast so we didn't see many meteors but it was nice lying on the beach listening to the waves. I didn't take any pictures of this because it was dark and I opted to leave the phone behind.
The next day, after a pancake breakfast, I set out fairly early with Joy and Mini T to visit Surrogate Mom in her new house in Gloucester. Mini T was excited to look for frogs and feed the fish with Surrogate Mom.
Mini T and Surrogate Mom feeding fish. |
After that, we explored the town with Alice and Home Slice.
Sign in a window that says "Eat Dessert First Life is so Uncertain." |
Alice, Me, Joy, Mini T, Home Slice, and Daddy Bear (Mini T's teddy bear). |
The weekend we chose to visit Rockport also happened to be the weekend of the lantern festival so they had free face painting and free lantern decorating! Alice and Home Slice did their own thing while Joy, Mini T, and I partook in the festivities.
Mini T and I painting our lanterns. |
Joy and Mini T hold up their completed lanterns. |
Me, Mini T, and Joy show off our face paint. |
After all of that, we went for ice cream and watched the harbor. We also checked out a bunch of stores including a candy store where we got to watch them making taffy.
View of the harbor with our lanterns hanging in front. |
Mini T watches the taffy making. |
We came back to the rental house afterwards for dinner and scrabble, where we were joined by Karaoqueen.
Mini T shows off the house and lanterns. |
After that, we walked back to town where we hung out briefly with my cousin and then went to look at the lanterns and the fireworks.
Alice, Joy, Mini T, Karaoqueen, and Home Slice on the sidewalk. |
Alice is a single and ready to flamingle Pokemon Go champion. |
Mini T touches a lobster. |
Lanterns. |
Fireworks over the harbor. |
Lanterns. |
The next morning, Karma and the other kids came to hang out. We went on a nature walk/climb and then out to ice cream.
Karma and I on the rocks. |
Secondo on the rocks. |
Primo and Terzo climbing. |
Me in front of the harbor. |
Mini T and Terzo enjoying their ice cream. |
Karma and Terzo at the ice cream place. |
It was a fabulous weekend and I hope to go to Rockport again soon!
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