It's Fierce Friday! But first, an update. My visit went really well and involved a potluck, a picnic, a playground trip, etc. I don't have pictures because it was Shavuot and they're Orthodox Jews. But! I assure you the kids are super adorable.
And while I'm posting non-Fierce Friday things, here's a picture of Secondo and Terzo walking to school yesterday with our newest furry housemate Sebastian!
Secondo and Terzo walk Sebastian to school. |
Today's Fierce Friday outfit is inspired by the Queen of Hearts. I'm throwing a Mad Hatter Tea Party tomorrow and this was the runner-up outfit so I'm wearing it today! I've got on a dark red shirt, a scarf with roses, axe earrings, a necklace of skulls, red lipstick, playing card nail polish, and a tiara. I think I look sufficiently terrifying :)
My parents' road. |
Chickens! |
Now, one other important thing happened today besides Fierce Friday. The kids and I found a baby house sparrow on the ground that had fallen out of its nest. Because I am a sap, and because we weren't sure where the nest was and it was the middle of rush hour so chances of the bird getting stepped on were high, we took it home with us. In Primo's solar oven science project.
Baby bird in its the solar oven home. |
Terzo found some old cloths for its new nest and Primo arranged a leaf bed for it. Birdie (what the kids named it) went right to sleep. Fortunately by the time it woke up two of my birdwatching friends had identified it for us and some internet research told us what to feed it - cat or dog kibble soaked in water that you put into its mouth one piece at a time with tweezers. Our newest housemate Belle quickly became a pro bird-feeder.
Belle feeding Birdie. |
We need to figure out a way to get this bird home because with three cats and a dog we are NOT the best place for a baby bird rescue. Sigh.
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