The past few days have been a mixed bag, but I'm still very excited about buying my dream house! On Saturday I had a migraine all day and then it started snowing.
Meme of a woman pouring alcohol in a blender that says "Oh look!!! The virus is still here and it's snowing again." |
My friend Ganou told me that in France they have an old timey saying: "Avant Saint Servais, point d'été, après Saint Servais, plus de gelée." (Before Saint Servais, no summer, after Saint Servais, no frost.) Basically the idea is that the weather can all sorts of crazy stuff until they've passed the Ice Saints, which are Saint Mamertus, Saint Pancras, and Saint Servatius. Their feast days are May 11, May 12, and May 13 so we're almost there!
Sunday was Mother's Day and I was missing my mom. That's all I have to say about that.
What else happened? I emailed Love Bug's family to let them know about the house and to see if the Mother's Day cards we sent had arrived (they hadn't).
Photo of a house shape made out of construction tools. |
Meanwhile, today I had the home inspection! Nothing too surprising, thank goodness. There is a bit of mold in the attic which I knew about and which the seller is fixing. Turns out the soffit vents were blocked with insulation so the attic wasn't properly ventillated - hence the mold. Luckily this is an easy fix. Other findings include:
* The water heater is older and will most likely need to be replaced soon
* The basement tends towards being damp which is not shocking given that it's next to a lake
* I need to raise the mast head on the side of the house
* I should add a chimney cap so water doesn't come down the chimney when it rains
* I need to add a support beam in the basement to reinforce the one that is already there
* There are a couple close-to-the-house trees I should remove
* I should spray for pests
* It wouldn't hurt to add more insulation, either
The end.
I feel like I can handle this list. Nothing on here is particularly expensive and nightmareish. And luckily the water heater is one of the cheaper types. *Phew*